Our Mission and Vision
St. Andrew's is a joyful community of God's faithful people transforming lives by growing in Christ's love and shining His light into the world through prayer, worship, and service to all.
Our vision is to be a beacon in the community, calling our members and our neighbors to:
Worship: Giving thanks for Christ's Love
Education: Learning about Christ's Love
Leadership: Demonstrating Christ's Love
Community: Coming together in Christ's Love
Outreach: Serving others through Christ's Love
Music: Glorifying Christ's Love
Evangelism: Spreading Christ's Love
Stewardship: Responding to Christ's Love
We are an active congregation with lots going on on Sundays and during the week. Each week we send out an email outlining any upcoming announcements. We also try to keep this site up to date as well as our social media channels. Can't find what you're looking for? Send us an email and we'll help you out.