UNICEF Junior Church
During Sunday school on October 22 we combined the Sunday school classes in the Upper Hall to read The Parable of the Mustard Seed (Matthew 13: 31-32) and completed a fun science activity to make pumpkin art. The focus of the lesson was to remind the kids that even though they are young and small when compared to adults, they are growing and small acts can make an impact on the kingdom of God. One way we are practicing a small act with a big impact is through collecting for UNICEF here at St Andrew’s in conjunction with Outreach. During the Trick or Treat coffee hour on October 29 we collected money for UNICEF. If you could not attend we are still collecting towards our goal of $200 through the month of November. You may click here to donate online.
Sunday School
This month we will be learning about Moses. We will start with Moses as a baby and travel with him as the Israelites escape from Egypt in the book of Exodus.
Youth Group on November 5, 12, and 19
All kids in grades 6 through 12th are invited to join the youth group from 4:00-5:30 pm. We will not be meeting on November 26.
Confirmation class
Meeting on November 5 at 11:30am in the Werner Room.
Important Dates
November 26, 2023 -No Sunday school classes- St. Andrew’s Day
December 3, 2023 - All Congregation Tree Trimming Coffee Hour
December 17, 2023- Annual Children’s Christmas Pageant