Pumpkin spice and everything nice! This flavor and more were found at our parish picnic - YUM! Outreach, along with other church ministries, showcased the best of our work at the kickoff this past weekend. Outreach promoted our various drives and ministries, such as Coventry Food Pantry (CFP), our sister mission in Guatemala, the summer garden, and our monthly cooking for Atkinson. Pictures and smiles were overflowing, and Outreach also handed out fall prize bags with the info for our next meeting.
In other news, our monthly Atkinson meal was served, and our monthly donation of canned goods was dropped off at the CFP. I am both humbled and proud of the continued work we do as a congregation to support our neighbors through these long-standing ministries.
Looking ahead, we have a full year of drives and programs planned, and Outreach will start off with our Guatemala day celebrations! I hope to see all your smiles at this annual celebration of our sister mission overseas. While the people of Guatemala may not be our next-door neighbors, our work for their cause is just as important as our work here in Chester Country, PA. We are all one people under God, all created equally as His children. Therefore let us celebrate Guatemala day and the joy of Christ’s love!