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Rector's Warden's Report

St. Andrew's Episcopal Church

September was an enjoyable month at St. Andrew’s as we kicked off the regular program year. It’s been nice seeing people after summer vacations and activities. One thing to remember each Sunday is to wear your name tag during and after services. It’s super helpful for newcomers and those of us that have a hard time remembering names! The name tags are located in wooden holders to the right of the front doors as you enter the building. If you don’t have a name tag, contact Amanda Schlick at our office and she’ll gladly make you one.

Also, just wanted to give another reminder that we have introduced Online Giving Tokens that are available when you pick up your bulletin. If you give online, join in the physical act of blessing your gift by dropping a token in the plate during the Sunday services at the time of our offertory.

Below are our current Highlights, Opportunities, and Dependencies as a church. These are just high level bullet points and further information can be found within the individual ministry reports or by contacting a ministry leader.

Highlights (Sept)

  • Parish Picnic and Ministry Fair - wonderful time of fellowship, volunteer signups, and general sharing of what is going on at St. Andrew’s. Thank you for all of you who helped make that event a success!

  • Return of our choir and full music program

  • Online Giving Tokens - if you give online, pick up a token with your bulletin and drop it in the offertory plate during the service.

  • Kickoff for Sunday School and Youth Group

  • T-shirt Sales: Buy a St. Andrew’s shirt and help us spread the word of our church as our human billboard!

  • New parking lot lighting to increase visibility at night by over 200%!


  • Oct 1: Liberty Union - Dine at Liberty Union and 15% of your bill is donated to St. Andrew’s.

  • Oct 8: Guatemala Day - join us for a special coffee hour to celebrate our church families we support beyond our borders.

  • Oct 14: Chicken BBQ: Fun & Delicious. We need volunteers and ticket sales!

  • Oct 22: Adult Dinner & Wine (be there or be square!)

  • Nov 4: Fall Cleanup - many hands lighten the load, join us!

Dependencies (items that impact our ability to accomplish opportunities/goals)

  • Volunteers - We need you! Consider working our Chicken BBQ, fall cleanup, and/or host a coffee hour.

  • Membership growth

  • Reduce and eliminate the budget deficit



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