Hello St. Andrew’s,
Thank you for taking the time to read our monthly updates. Below are our current Highlights,
Opportunities, and Dependencies as a church. These are just high-level bullet points and further information can be found within the individual ministry reports or by contacting a ministry leader.
Highlights (Oct)
Adult Dinner Fellowship Event: A wonderful time to connect as a community with great Italian food, wine, and entertainment. Thank you, Julia Sanders, for leading this event, the wine provided by Geoff McConnell our resident wine sommelier, along with all the helpful volunteers to make this event possible!
Annual Chicken BBQ! A successful event with sales that outpaced last year’s results. Also, an Outreach event providing donated BBQ meals for the Atkinson’s Men’s Shelter in Coatesville. A special thanks to Jeff Herrera for leading the event, to Geoff McConnell our top salesman (3 years in a row), and all our amazing volunteers and supporters!
Want a St. Andrew’s T-shirt? Click here to check out our shop and wear us with pride. When clicking the link, scroll down for all selections available.
UNICEF Youth Outreach Trick or Treat: Thank you for sharing your loose change to support UNICEF.
Evensong evening service, a special choral experience for worship and prayer. We hope to continue these throughout the church program year. Thank you to Audrey Drennen, our Director of Music, and our wonderful volunteer choir for these enriching experiences.
Stewardship season has begun! Thank you to those that are sharing their personal stories at services, and please mark your calendar for the Annual Family Meeting after the 10am service on November 24th . We’ll have a special presentation by Rev’d Ben and lunch will be served. Please begin to pray and plan for 2025 pledges to support our church programs and ministries.
Saturday Evening Family Service – Nov 16th . Come join us for an outdoor casual and relaxed service around a bonfire.
Fall Cleanup on Dec 7th 9am to Noon (rain date Dec 14)! Please come join us to help tidy our grounds and prepare it for the winter months.
Spread the word and look for opportunities to invite others to our church. There are people out there searching for a church community like ours. Also, we have St. Andrew’s yard signs if you have a good place to provide some visibility and soft advertising.
Outreach: Thanksgiving meals for families in need. Keep an eye out for sign-ups to contribute food items.
Dependencies (items that impact our ability to accomplish opportunities/goals)
Volunteers - We need you! Please consider upcoming events to lend a helping hand. If
you haven’t hosted a coffee hour, this is a great way to contribute and have purposeful
fellowship time.
Thank you for your financial gifts to St. Andrew’s. Your pledge and regular offerings are
crucial for sustaining our ongoing services and programs.