The month of February was action packed with several events and opportunities. I especially enjoyed connecting with so many of you that attended our Annual Meeting & Souper Bowl of Caring and Pizza Bingo events! Both events had very strong participation which demonstrates how much you value our church and relationships here.
During our Annual Meeting we voted in a new member to Vestry, and two members retired as they completed their terms. A big welcome and thank you to Chiara Behm joining our team for Music/Altar Guild/Worship! Your time and talents are valued, and we appreciate your commitment to be part of our leadership at St. Andrew’s Church. And one last big thank you to Carly Landis and Beth Butch as they transition off Vestry. You both will be greatly missed! If you happen to see any of them at coffee hour or somewhere around the church, please extend appreciation to those serving our church. We have an excellent team of people on the Vestry, and those serving have a big and generous heart in leading their areas of ministry to support the mission of St. Andrew’s.
Below are our current Highlights, Opportunities, and Dependencies as a church. These are just high-level bullet points and further information can be found within the individual ministry reports or by contacting a ministry leader.
Highlights (Feb)
Annual Meeting & Souper Bowl of Caring
Vestry Member Terms – outgoing and incoming members
Hawaiian Themed Pizza Bingo
Evensong Service
Ascension Feast Day – Celebrated a combined evening service with St. James’
Special thanks to the Property Committee for their responsiveness and help with clearing snow/ice from church walkways.
Opportunities (March)
March 2: Special Celebratory Service & Reception for Communion Class and completion of Confirmation Class
March 5: Ash Wednesday Services
Adult Christian Formation: Episcopal 101 Series, 11:15am in Werner Room after 10am services during Lent
March 16: Special visit from Canon Shawn Wamsley
Dependencies (items that impact our ability to accomplish opportunities/goals)
Volunteers - We need you! Please consider upcoming events to lend a helping hand. If you need any guidance to align your gifts/passions to volunteer efforts at the church, just ask Rev’d Ben or a Vestry member.