Hello St. Andrew's! What a wonderful start to our regular season of programs at our church. September was jam packed with returning and new opportunities to engage. If you are seeking ways to connect and grow deeper relationships within our church community, the best way is to get involved. Simply jump right into some of the programs offered, or share with any of our ministry leaders about your interests so we can help get you plugged in.
Here’s a summary of our current Highlights, Opportunities, Dependencies, and Challenges as a church:
Highlights (from September)
Kickoff of Essential Question, Adult Christian Formation Program
Kickoff of Dinner Church - youth & adults gather for a dinner and breakout into separate church activities
Chicken BBQ community, outreach, and fundraising event - success!
Children & Youth Choir program starting
Guest Preacher - Whitney Kunilholm, Author of Essential series
Part Time Family Ministry Director: Final interviews underway and we plan to have someone in the position within the 4th quarter.
St Andrew's Merchandise Sale - Fundraising program for youth, get your swag! Coming soon!
Bishop Sylvestre Romero, from companion diocese in Guatemala, visiting at Dinner Church on October 9
Choir members wanted! Youth and adults interested, contact Audrey Drennan.
Dependencies (items that impact our ability to accomplish opportunities/goals)
Special campaign to support Family Ministry Director position - please consider a special gift to kickstart the position.
Fulfillment of pledges
Challenges (items that pose obstacles)
Fulfillment of pledges on a decline to our forecasted budget. We humbly ask that you keep current with giving.
Congregational/member growth