Hello St. Andrew’s! The month of February was an active period with several special events, and it was wonderful seeing and visiting with so many of you. As mentioned in our Annual Report, we have new Vestry members joining us, a few that are committing to a second term, and a few retiring. Please see that report for more detail; however, I did want to mention them briefly here by name.
Welcome to Andy Zuch - Accounting Warden, Julia Sanders - Fellowship, John Eblacker - Evangelism, and Ken Mancini - Property! Special thanks to Jessica Gallo - Membership and Lisa Yoest - Children & Youth for committing to a second term! And a heartfelt farewell and job well done to Jen Ewing - Accounting Warden and Jon Strang - Property! If you happen to see any of them at coffee hour or somewhere around the church, please extend appreciation to those serving our church. We have an excellent team of people on the vestry, and those serving have a big and generous heart in leading their areas of ministry to support the mission of St. Andrew's. In addition, I will be serving a second term, in full, as Rector’s Warden.
Here’s a summary of our current Highlights, Opportunities, and Dependencies as a church:
Highlights (Jan/Feb)
Confirmation Sunday with the Bishop
Communion Sunday
Annual Meeting with Souper Bowl of Caring
Episcopal 101
Retiring and newly appointed vestry members
Pizza Bingo! A wonderful fellowship event for all ages.
Vacation Bible School - dates have been set for summer (see announcements).
Join a committee! Many of the vestry leaders are developing committees. If you are interested in a specific area of the church’s ministries/work, please inquire!
Dependencies (items that impact our ability to accomplish opportunities/goals)
We need volunteers for Coffee Hour
Membership growth
Reduce and eliminate the budget deficit